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Design Your Success Podcast

Oct 30, 2015

Zig Ziglar said FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real... In this episode we look at what to do when fear threatens to stop us from following our passion...We also look at 2 way people react to you when you make progress and I share how I almost became a Monday Morning heart attack statistic and the insecurities am...

Oct 22, 2015

On this episode we look at some good reasons to follow your passion and what that has to do with your health. It´s been said if you find something you love to do you will never work another day in your life...Well, that's not exactly true. It may be your passion, but it's still work. The reason it may not feel...

Oct 15, 2015

Clifford Owusu is a talented entertainer with a passion for dance and making people laugh. With his positive attitude coupled with an admirable work ethic, Cliff shows us how following our passion can bring us joy and make others happy. He´s won the hearts of  international audiences of different cultures and...

Oct 7, 2015

Information is today's new currency. People are willing to pay for your knowledge if it helps them solve specific problems. On this Hadithi (story) episode, we look at the value of knowing where to put effort. We also see why it's good to highlight both features and benefits of your products and services. Tune in and...

Oct 1, 2015

September 30th is International #PodcastDay. One year ago today Live By Design Radio also launched. We are celebrating podcasting and thanking all our listeners, guests, sponsers and supporters.

This episode is different. We blow our trumpet a bit. But we also share the birthday goodies of a free download of my new...